Current Learning Environments
Mathes Early Learning Center: Full On-Site
Elmont Elementary (K-6): Full On-Site
Logan Elementary (K-6): Full On-Site
North Fairview Elementary (K-6): Full On-Site
Northern Hills Elementary (K-6): Full On-Site
West Indianola Elementary (K-6): Full On-Site
Seaman Middle School (7-8): Full On-Site
Seaman High School (9-12): Full On-Site
Pleasant Hill Learning Campus (7-12): Full On-Site
Please note the calendar updates following the December 14 USD 345 Board of Education meeting.
APPROVED: Additional Elementary Planning and Collaboration (adding 5 early release Fridays to elementary buildings)
Jan 8 - Elementary Release at 1:30 pm
Jan 15 - Elementary Release at 1:30 pm
Jan 22 - Elementary Release at 1:30 pm
Jan 29 - Elementary Release at 1:30 pm
Feb 5 - Elementary Release at 1:30 pm
APPROVED: 2020-21 Calendar Revision (Extend Winter Break to add Dec 21, 22, 23 as no school days with Dec 21 a ½ staff PD day)
Click here to view the elementary transition to full on-site plan.
Family Choice Remote Learning continues as planned in all grade levels.
Each month during regular board meetings, the board will receive updates from the superintendent and staff and allot time for board discussion on the district's R2R plan.

Thank you for your patience as our dedicated group of staff, parents, and students have worked to develop a Ready to Reopen Plan that focuses on a safe and healthy learning environment for all students. After careful planning and collaboration, we are excited to release the Ready to Reopen Plan.
The 2020-21 school year has sparked many questions, which is why this plan is delivered in a question and answer format. A more detailed version will be available at the end of this document.
Click here to read the joint statement from James Adams, Board President and Dr. Steve Noble, Superintendent - July 27, 2020.
Submit a question to be added to the FAQs.
On July 27, 2020, the USD 345 Board of Education approved the Ready to Reopen (R2R) plan and the revised 2020-21 school year calendar as presented with the student start date of August 27, 2020 in the hybrid learning environment. If you have general questions about the Ready to Reopen plan, you can submit at the link above.

Below is information as it relates to the R2R school year's opening.
What will the beginning of the school year look like for the 2020-21 school year?
The district will begin in a hybrid learning environment on August 27.

Hybrid Learning Environment: Students will be spending part of their time in the classroom and part of their time learning remotely from home. Family choice remote learning is also an option for families not comfortable sending their student to school.
- Students will attend school on-site two days a week and engage in remote learning on the other days
- Students will engage in class or live learning (synchronous) and independent learning without real time learning (asynchronous) every day when off site
- Social distancing measures can be maintained according to current guidelines
- Class sizes will be reduced by creating cohorts based on alphabet with the exception families with different last names staying together
- Onsite priority will be provided on a third day for :
● Students with Low Incidence Disabilities
● English language learners
● Homeless
● Students in foster care
● Students with written plans created through collaborative teams

When will I know our assigned student group and the days my students will be attending school while in the hybrid learning environment?
The initial student grouping list will be separated by alphabet.
Last names A-K will be student group A.
Last names L-Z will be student group B.
Siblings may remain in the same group. After this initial grouping, parents will have the opportunity to request adjustments according to family needs (i.e. childcare, family units, work schedules, etc.).
What if I need to switch groups due to my work schedule?
We understand that circumstances may arise for families that conflict with the initial grouping assignment. Below are the predetermined criteria that may be used when soliciting a change to the initial grouping assignment. Building principals will determine changes based on these criteria and ensure classroom numbers are low enough to maintain 6ft social distancing. Requests should be submitted by Friday, Aug 7.
- Families with children of different last names may request to be in the same group.
- Parents or guardians with work schedules that conflict with school groups may request a change of group.
- Families with childcare schedules that conflict with school groups may request a change of group.
- Circumstances related to transportation of students.
- Special circumstances will be considered.
What if my children are in Group A for Monday and Tuesday when will they start school if the first day is a Thursday?
See the hybrid calendar below to view how some weeks will be split due to no school days.
What are my options if I do not want to send my child to school?
You can register your student for USD 345’s Family Choice Remote Learning.
What is Family Choice Remote Learning?
Family Choice Remote Learning will be provided by USD 345 and involve a commitment of one semester intervals. Parents will have the option to return to on-site learning at the beginning of the next semester or register again for another semester of remote learning. Students will be doing all of their learning from home and not entering the school building at all.
- Students maintain enrollment status at their brick and mortar school.
- Families will sign an agreement in order to participate.
- Remote learning commitments will occur for at least a semester. Exceptions could be allowable based on individual circumstances.
- Students engage in school online during regular school hours and follow a standard school schedule.
- Learning will occur asynchronously (not live) with daily synchronous (live) contact.
- Teachers meet with students daily utilizing web conferencing technology.
- IEP teams will need to reconvene for students with special education needs to determine services.
- Activities and sports participation will follow KSHSAA, USD 345 Board of Education policies and attendance area school policies.
Click here if you would like to register for Family Choice Remote Learning. Registration for the first semester closes on August 5, 2020.
Click here to view the Family Choice Remote Learning program overview.
I missed the virtual Q & A for Family Choice Remote Learning. Where can I view the archived videos?
FCRL Elementary Q&A-
FCRL Secondary Q&A-
Can my student move out of Family Choice Remote Learning and back to hybrid if it's not working for us?
Click here to fill out a request to transfer form.
If I register for Family Choice Remote Learning, will I still need to enroll in PowerSchool?
Yes. Every student will need to be enrolled in PowerSchool.
Click here to enroll in PowerSchool if you haven't already enrolled. Call the tech department at 785-286-8483 if you need your login info.
Will students and staff be required to wear masks?
USD 345 will require all students, faculty, staff, vendors and other visitors to USD 345 school attendance centers to cover their mouth and nose with a mask or other face covering at all times except as described below:
a. While eating;
b. While working—other than to prepare food or meals—in a room or office that is (1) not open to students or visitors and (2) in which all individuals present can maintain a 6-foot distance from other individuals with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity;
c. While engaged in an activity during which it is unsafe or impossible to wear a mask or other face covering;
d. Children who are not students and are 5 years of age or under—children age two years and under in particular should not wear a face covering because of the risk of suffocation;
e. Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering—this includes persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance;
f. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, or communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication;
g. Persons for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to the person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines; and
h. Persons engaged in any lawful activity during which wearing a mask or other face covering is prohibited by law.
Will social distancing be required?
While in the hybrid learning environment, all individuals shall maintain a 6-foot distance from other individuals with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity.
How is the district keeping students and staff safe?
Cleaning and sanitation are critical to a healthy and safe learning environment for our students and staff. Some of these additional safety items include:
- Daily health screening
- Temperature checks upon entry
- 6 ft social distancing measures
- Individualized supplies
- Hourly hand sanitizing/hand washing
- Isolation rooms for symptomatic children
- Plans for symptomatic people
- Each staff member will be provided two reusable cloth face masks and one face shield.
- Each student will be provided two reusable cloth face masks.
- Ongoing cleaning and sanitation will occur during school day with an emphasis on high traffic and high touch zones; deep cleaning/disinfecting will occur outside school hours.
- EPA hospital grade disinfectant is used by the district.
- Buses will be thoroughly disinfected in between each route.
- While on the bus, students will be required to wear face coverings and will be allowed one per seat, unless residing in the same household. Students will load back to front and unload front to back to minimize students passing in the aisles.
How will I know if the district activates remote learning environment?
The district will inform parents/guardians as soon as possible when the decision has been made to move from the on-site learning environment to either hybrid or remote learning through the regular emergency notification process. All websites will display the current learning environment status on the home page with additional information.
When will I be notified of COVID-19 contact?
Click here to view the district’s COVID-19 exposure guidelines. Please refer to the following exposure guidelines for information on how the district responds to COVID-19 positive cases. As you can see, the district will be cooperating with the Health Department on contact tracing within our buildings. It is very important to wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands, and monitor your health on a daily basis. If you have symptoms, please stay home to protect our students and staff.
Will all students begin on August 27 or will there be a staggered start for juniors, seniors, and preschoolers, like before?
All students (
remote and on-site) will begin on August 27.
Does the hybrid learning environment include preschool?
During the hybrid learning environment, half-day classrooms will be the same Monday/Tuesday, Thursday/Friday schedule as the rest of the district. Children will be divided into groups of 8 students and remain in the same cohort daily.
What happens if a student has to quarantine? Will they be moved to Family Choice Remote Learning?
No. Family Choice Remote Learning will remain a separate program from the hybrid learning environment. If a student or classroom has to quarantine, they will remain in their student group with assigned classroom teacher(s).
Will students be provided computers if they don’t have one at home?
Yes. The district’s 1:1 technology initiative will be expanding to elementary this year to help support the hybrid learning environment. All K-6 grade students will be issued a device, while all 7-12 students will continue with their current 1:1 MacBooks. K-1 students will receive iPads, and grades 2-6 will receive MacBooks to use at school and at home.
Click here for more information on device elementary distribution.
What are the specific criteria that will be used to determine whether the school/district will be in which learning mode - full on-site, hybrid, required remote?
The purpose of defining multiple learning environments is in response to educational disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in our community. These learning environments were designed to prepare our district to respond in a more strategic manner when confronted with the various scenarios of infection in our learning community, county, and state. Learning environments will be determined by a number of factors which include guidance from Governor’s executive orders, county health officials, the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), and the outbreak in our community. Our USD 345 Board of Education will determine which learning environment the district will begin in and any transitions thereafter will be determined by the Superintendent with the set of parameters listed in the detailed R2R plan which is available in a link at the bottom of this page.
What is the status of extracurricular activities, sports, etc.?
The district will begin our fall sport season practices on Monday, August 17 as originally set by KSHSAA. At this time, we are also planning to begin our competition schedule for all fall sport programs as originally set our sports calendar. We are planning to begin our practices and competitions without any delays.
How long does the child have to be online during the days of hybrid learning?
Remote learning will include 6.5 hours of active learning. Not all of this time will be screen time.
If students register for Family Choice Remote Learning, will they still be able to participate in sports?
Yes. Activities and sports participation will follow KSHSAA, USD 345 Board of Education policies and attendance area school policies.
If we do not begin in Family Choice Remote Learning, may we switch to Family Choice Remote Learning if we are later concerned with how things are going with the hybrid learning environment?
Yes. Parents will have the opportunity to enroll in Family Choice Remote Learning at the beginning of each semester.
Will there be a freshman or 7th grade orientation to help students transition to a new building?
The transition to a new school building can be filled with excitement as well as anxiety, and the purpose of orientations are to help students and parents ease that anxiousness prior to school starting. During these unusual and uncertain times, we recognize the importance of this more than ever. Many may be wondering when or how orientation will look this year. We assure you that we are in the process of planning an orientation that meets the needs of your students in a safe manner. A final date and plan for orientations will be made available as soon as possible.
Will SHS parking assignments be reassigned to allow social distancing?
SHS parking assignments will remain the same. Social distancing should still practiced in the parking lots.
When is the last day for seniors?
May 14, 2021 will be the last day for seniors. May 26, 2021 will be the last day for all other students.
How will students know the days they are scheduled to be at school for in-person learning?
Click here to view the hybrid school year calendar.
If a student has an issue with their district-issued device, what is the process to have that problem resolved?
Please call the USD 345 Technology Department Help Desk on Monday-Friday between 7:00 am-4:00 pm at 785-286-8483.
Will there be boys and girls club before and after school?
Yes. Boys and Girls Club will still provide before and after school programs.
Will lunch be provided to remote students during the week?
School lunch and breakfast will still be provided to students on days they are away from school. Each month, families will be sent an online order form to select the meals they will need each week. Wednesdays will be breakfast and lunch distribution days at SMS and Logan. If you are a FCRL student and you need lunch and breakfast five days a week, you will pick up five days worth of breakfast and lunch on Wednesdays. If you are a hybrid student, you can pick up three days of breakfast and lunch on Wednesdays. All meal orders will be debited from school lunch accounts based on the student’s free & reduced meal status. This service will begin on September 16.
Please complete and submit a form for each student who is ordering lunch and breakfast.
Order September Lunch & Breakfast:
Who will make the ultimate decision on whether or not to suspend in-person activities and switch to remote learning?
This decision will be made jointly by the superintendent and the Shawnee County Health Department. This decision will be based on the level of community transmission; whether cases are identified among students, teachers, or staff; the cohorting mechanisms available in the school; and minimum staffing requirements.
How will the notification process work? Who will handle contacting people who have been in close contact with the suspected sick person?
Click here to learn more about our COVID notification process.
What happens when a student is suspected to be sick while at school? What happens when it's a teacher who is suspected to be sick?
A student who is suspected to be sick while at school will be evaluated by the school nurse. If the school nurse suspects that the student may have COVID-19 the student will be moved to an isolation room away from others and arrangements will be made for the student to be picked up by a parent or guardian. Parents will be encouraged to contact their primary care provider for possible testing if symptoms warrant. The same guidelines will apply to staff members who become ill while at school.
Is May 16 still the scheduled Graduation date for the class of 2021?
Will sports practices follow the hybrid schedule or will all athletes participate every day?
Sports practices will not follow the hybrid schedule. All athletes will attend practice every day with added safety guidelines in place.
Will transportation be provided during the hybrid learning environment?
Yes. Students will sit one to a seat and wear masks while riding the bus. Route information should be available in PowerSchool on August 24.
When will elementary class lists be posted?
They will be posted electronically in Schoology on August 21.
How will the district track COVID cases internally?
In the event of a positive case in a school building, the Health Services Director will notify the Shawnee County Health Department and assist with identifying a list of close individuals who may have been in close contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19. Close contacts will be provided with education and instructions on ways to take extra precautions, including to quarantine if needed. Each school nurse will utilize a COVID tracking spreadsheet to track positive cases and their close contacts.
How often will the district release information on COVID-19 cases? What format will that information be in?
After a positive case is confirmed, close contacts will be notified to initiate quarantine with a phone call from the health services department. Building staff and families will be notified of a confirmed case in their building via email by the health services department.
What information about those cases will be kept private, and which information will be shared with the public?
All personal and identifiable information will be kept confidential to protect the identity of COVID cases. Close contacts and staff/families in the building of the positive case will be notified of a confirmed case.
Will a mask be required on the bus?
In an effort to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community, the Seaman School District will be requiring that all students and staff wear a mask or other face covering while riding the bus. We are also requiring an at-home health screening before loading the bus in the mornings. Please check your child for signs of illness including: fever (temperature of 100 degrees or higher), chills, rigors, myalgia, malaise, headache, sore throat, cough (new uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing), shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and new smell or taste disorders.
We believe that requiring masks and regular health screenings are the responsible action to take in the interest of minimizing risks for everyone on the way to and from school and school activities.
Additional safety measures we will be taking include:
• One rider per seat (with the exception of family units)
• Disinfecting buses between routes daily
• Deep cleaning the bus fleet on remote Wednesdays
• Assigned seating
If my child is sick on a remote day, do I need to call the school and report an absence?
If your child is ill and will not attend school, either in person, or virtually, you MUST call the child in sick to school as normal. When you call your child in sick, you MUST give symptoms. We have always needed to put symptoms into PowerSchool in order to track symptoms. With COVID-19, this is even more essential. If you call your child in and leave a message to that effect, please help everyone save time and list symptoms in the message. If no symptoms are given, you WILL receive a phone call back in order to get the symptoms.
If my child has an appointment on a remote day, do I need to report that?
Elementary students do not need to report appointments on remote days. Middle and high school students will also need to report class absences due to appointments on both on-site and remote days.
Will fire drills still occur during hybrid?
School drills will still occur, Fire, Tornado and Crisis, with social distancing in mind.
Will visitors be allowed in school buildings?
At this time, Seaman School District is only allowing essential visitors in buildings to limit the number of additional outside contacts during the school day. The limiting of non-essential visitors is critical to limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission in our buildings. All visitors to our school offices must wear a mask, complete the required temperature check, and remain in the front office areas unless authorized by the principal.