June 13, 2022

Board Digest

June 13, 2022


Following each board of education meeting, the Director of Communications recaps the board meeting in the Board Digest. To view the full agenda, click here. 

Learning Without Limits

Bethany Druse
The board recognized Bethany Druse (800m Track and Field) and Avery Walz (100 m Breaststroke) as KSHSAA State Champions. Coach Brading reviewed Seaman High School Junior Bethany's dynamic career in track and field. Avery was unable to attend the board meeting. 

Challenge Award
The board recognized Logan Elementary for receiving the KSDE Challenge Award. The Challenge Award recognizes schools for outstanding achievement and uncommon accomplishments based on Kansas Assessment results in math and reading, graduation rates, chronic absenteeism rates and the socio-economic status of those taking the test.

Mr. Frank Henderson presented Dr. Noble with a plaque for his years of service to the Seaman School District. Mr. Henderson talked about some of the highlights during Dr. Noble's career at Seaman and thanked him for his leadership. 

Superintendent Remarks

Dr. Noble thanked the board and community for allowing him to serve the district. "I'm very proud to be an educator. I'm very proud to be a public educator, serving all kids." Dr. Noble also called on the district to support schools, teachers, students, and the board of education. "Public education is facing challenges that are unprecedented...We're seeing teacher shortages, support staff shortages, increased levels of student absenteeism and other obstacles like never before. It is my hope that our Seaman Strong school community will come together and rise above the hurtful rhetoric we're seeing displayed by some who are determined to tear us apart with misinformation and distortion of facts. The real fact is, our teachers, our staff, our board of education, and our students need and deserve your support. Every day, people around our kids are working hard to keep our families engaged and to keep education and the future of our children at the first and foremost goal of everything that we do."

Board of Education Consent Agenda

The consent agenda contains items packaged into one agenda item. They are often routine and garner very little discussion. A full list of consent items can be found by visiting the BoardDocs website

Discussion Items 

  • Elmont Gym Name - Mark Simoneau
  • Teaching and Learning Report
  • PreK-SMS Student-Parent Handbook Presentations
  • Elementary ELA Curriculum (6th Grade)
  • PDC Handbook Review
  • Special Services Report

  • Action Items

    • 2022-23 Meal Prices - APPROVED
    • Bids: Bettis Asphalt (North Fairview Playground) - APPROVED
    • Secondary Curriculum Adoption - APPROVED

    Next 345 Board of Education Meeting

    The next regularly scheduled board meeting will take place on July 11. It is scheduled to start at 6:00 pm.

    Regular board meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, with the exception of March, which will be held on the third Monday. Regular meetings may be adjourned to another time and place when necessary. Special meetings may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis. 

    Regular meetings typically take place at the Seaman Education Center. When meeting locations change, notice is sent out to the public and made available online. Board agendas go live on the Friday afternoon prior to the regular board meeting. 

    All regular meetings are streamed live and available on the district's YouTube Channel. A recap of the meeting is also made available through the Board Digest

    Both in-person and digital public comment are accepted at regular board meetings. The public comment agenda item may be found in the meeting agenda

    Remaining regular meetings for the 2021-22 school year:

    July 11, 2022

    Board of Education Agenda

    To review previous board of education agendas, click here.

    How Can I Watch a Previous Board of Education Meeting?

    The video from the meeting will be available by the Tuesday at noon following the meeting. The video can be viewed by clicking here.


    Seaman School District USD #345
    901 NW Lyman Rd | Topeka, KS 66608