Marcia Peak - North Fairview Custodian
Described as a model employee, ready to help at a moment’s notice. Shows up with a smile on her face and does the extra work that needs to be done. Kindergarten students call her “our super hero.”

Denise Lolley - MELC Custodian
Never not moving, very helpful when short-staffed, puts in a ton of overtime the last couple of years, if staff needs anything she drops what she is doing to come help.

Vicki Gregory - MELC SPED Para
Shares knowledge she has with working with the most challenging students. Offers ideas for behavior interventions. Greets you with a smile each day.

Ray Southern - High School Head Custodian
Known for his worth ethic. He is described as driven and a leader. Ray is considerate and compassionate when doing his job and while working with others.
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Shawndi Stephens - West Indianola Para
Builds relationships with students easily, reliable and supportive. Determines strategies that work best with each student, goes above and beyond for students when they aren’t feeling their best.

Carla Metcalfe - Logan Para
Compassionate, firm but loving. Great friend to everyone, and always willing to help co-workers.
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Traci Brown - Logan SPED Para
Always up for any task. Students love having her in classroom, speaks with a soft and calm manner, but is firm when needed.
Sharon Gilbert - Middle School Para
Cares about students. Pushes, encourages, and guides them. Also works long hours after school at concession stand.

Megan Akers - High School Athletic Secretary
Fills in when teams need scorekeepers and line judges, helps everyone stay organized, cares about coaches and athletes.

Lindsey Guffey - North Fairview Secretary
Sets the tone for the school, welcomes everyone with a smile, goes above and beyond to help students, staff, and parents. Excellent communicator. Enthusiastic and energetic.

Tori Wools - Elmont Secretary
Humble, patient, makes connections with students, welcoming to everyone who enters the office, has worked in a variety of roles. Always there to answer questions. Helps out all around the building. Volunteers her time outside of school hours.
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Miranda Jeudes - Northern Hills Para
Has the biggest heart, makes school a more positive place, lifts others up, brightens the world around her, works with some of the most challenging students and builds relationships with them.

Jennifer Varner - High School Administrative Assistant (becoming JAG teacher)
Always willing to help other staff members even when she’s busy, personable and genuinely kind. Efficient and organized. Never comes across as worried or hurried.

Jenny Bechtel - MELC Para
Dedicated worker who is helpful to all. Strives to do the very best for all kids, regardless if they are in her classroom or not. Always ready to start each day positively. Smiling and welcoming students off the bus. Uses her experience to help other paras and teachers in the building.

Kirsten Cunningham - Middle School Para
Always available and willing to help. Students respond to her well. Interacts positively with everyone. Builds great rapport with students. Clear that she enjoys education in everything she does.

Cassey Worcester - High School Para
Maintains high expectations for each student. Positive and upbeat. Comes in early and stays late to help tutor. Gets to know and understand students. Encourages everyone to strive to be better for all students.

Chari Osterhaus - Freshman Center Para
Passionate. Good at multi-tasking. Holds students that are in ISS to high standards. Finishes tasks for other staff quickly.

Linda Shaffer - High School Para
Hard-working and dependable, selfless, flexible. Compassionately works with students with special needs. Knowledgeable of the needs for most severe students. Does it with patience, kindness, and love.

Crystal Combes - Middle School Para
Knows students well. Team player. Goes above and beyond. Her dedication to her job and students is evident each day.

Dan Guzman - Elmont Custodian
Kind, easy-going, always ready to help.
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Mike Massengil - Northern Hills Custodian
Friendly and hard-working, Always offers to help, immediately steps up when someone is in need.

Jared Sands - High School Technician
Patient, good listener. Very approachable. Has fixed hundred of computers displays. Quick learner who adapts to any challenge.