Ronna Blocker
Director of Transportation
Bus transportation is provided to all in-district Seaman students.
Sign up at enrollment
(online or in person)
• verify info
• get pick up & drop off times
• review transportation handbook
Changing information
Busing requests or changes require a 3-day notice, prior to becoming effective. Only requests or changes made prior to Aug. 5 will be effective for the first day of school. Changes must go through the district office by calling 785-575-8600.
Kindergarten Parents
A responsible person is required to be present and visible to receive each kindergarten student at the end of the school day.
If a parent opts for only a half-day, it must be the morning session. Bus transportation will only be provided TO school for half-day students.
Student Drivers
10-12 graders are the ONLY students who qualify to park on campus.
Parking permits are required ($20) and purchased at enrollment. Students must participate in the random drug testing program to be eligible for a parking permit.
July 5: SHS parking passes available online
July 30: SHS parking passes available for pick up at Seaman High School