March 18, 2024
Following each board of education meeting, the Director of Communications recaps the board meeting in the Board Digest. To view the full agenda, click here.
Learning Without Limits
Seaman High School Band Director Anna Kennedy and members of the band provided a recap of their recent trip to Orlando, Florida. The group visited Disney World and participated in workshops, learned about production for large outdoor performances and then the students were able to put on their own performances for Disney World guests. Seaman High School band students had a great learning experience and brought home some fun memories of their trip to Disney!
Superintendent Remarks
Mr. Willson recognized department directors in his Superintendent Remarks. "They make everything we do at the district level and buildings happen and because they tend to work behind the scenes always recognizing others, the public rarely thinks about the contribution of our directors," said Willson. "I am very blessed to be able to work with such great people who are a great team."

Brad Willson
President Remarks
Michelle Caudill welcomed everyone back from Spring Break and highlighted the importance of the adults in our kids' lives. "Every child needs at least one person that goes to battle for them, that shows an interest in what they're doing, and shows that they care about that child. That gives that child worth," said Michelle. "I think that in our district and our community, we do that in a way that you see it in multiples. The majority of our kids have multiples of that support system going on and I think that comes from the top down. It comes from our community, it comes from us, it comes from our teachers, our admin, and it just makes our community an even better place to be." Michelle thanked everyone for everything they do for our students.
Michelle Caudill
Board of Education Consent Agenda
The consent agenda contains items packaged into one agenda item. They are often routine and garner very little discussion. A full list of consent items can be found by visiting the BoardDocs website.
Discussion Items
Action Item
- Smart Board Project - APPROVED
- Consider Bids: 4 School Buses with 25% Grant Funding - APPROVED
- Consider Bids: SHS Security Doors - APPROVED
- Consider Bids: PHLC Secured Entrance - APPROVED
Next 345 Board of Education Meeting
The next regularly scheduled board meeting will take place on April 15. It is scheduled to start at 6:00 pm.
Regular board meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, with the exception of February, March, and April, which will be held on the third Monday. Regular meetings may be adjourned to another time and place when necessary. Special meetings may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
Regular meetings typically take place at the Seaman Education Center. When meeting locations change, notice is sent out to the public and made available online. Board agendas go live on the Friday afternoon prior to the regular board meeting.
All regular meetings are streamed live and available on the district's YouTube Channel. A recap of the meeting is also made available through the Board Digest.
Both in-person and digital public comment are accepted at regular board meetings. The public comment agenda item may be found in the meeting agenda.
Remaining regular meetings for the 2023-24 school year:
April 15, 2024
May 13, 2024
June 10, 2024
July 8, 2024
Board of Education Agenda
To review previous board of education agendas, click here.
How Can I Watch a Previous Board of Education Meeting?
The video from the meeting will be available by the Tuesday at noon following the meeting. The video can be viewed by clicking here.
Seaman School District USD #345
901 NW Lyman Rd | Topeka, KS 66608