Learning Without Limits 2.0

Strategic Plan

Prepare each student for lifelong success through strong and healthy relationships, rigorous and relevant learning, and a responsive and caring culture that maximizes student talents, aspirations, and community contributions.


Strategic Goal 1
Ensure teaching and learning programs are delivered with a focus on continuous improvement of student achievement through student engagement, rigorous and relevant content, and personalized learning

Strategic Goal 2
Provide outcomes-based professional learning resulting in individual professional growth for student success

Strategic Goal 3
Provide quality, safe, and productive learning and working environments

Strategic Goal 4
Provide services to optimize district operations that are supportive of student success and customer satisfaction

Strategic Goal 5
Establish student-centered budget planning built on transparent, efficient, and strategic processes that is accountable to district taxpayers

  • Develop a system to monitor and review curriculum, instruction, and assessment
  • Establish early learning programming as the foundation for future academic success
  • Implement instructional strategies that promote student engagement
  • Promote participation in college and career opportunities
  • Strengthen democracy through civil discourse and civic engagement
  • Sustain a Multi-Tiered System of Supports for academic, behavior, and social-emotional competencies
  • Ensure professional communication between supervisor and employees is ongoing, effective, and promotes professional improvement
  • Design personalized professional learning utilizing multiple measures
  • Establish a uniform and commonly understood professional language
  • Ensure district safety by teaching, cultivating, and enforcing positive behavior and healthy relationships
  • Ensure the school district is prepared to effectively respond to all emergencies that might affect safety of students and staff
  • Provide instructional environments that support and promote personalized learning
  • Ensure all facilities (interior and exterior) are clean, well-maintained, and safe
  • Strengthen mental, physical, and emotional health and wellness for all students and staff
  • Hire, retain, and invest in a highly effective staff
  • Ensure policies and practices are cohesive
  • Improve business and operations efficiencies to maximize effectiveness and increase customer service
  • Promote energy efficiency throughout our facilities to support students and community
  • Ensure safe and timely transportation of students
  • Offer child nutrition programs that qualify for funding, prepared by staff trained in food safety, customer service, and fiscal responsibility, and meet the nutritional needs of our students
  • Develop and implement department and building-based budgeting
  • Monitor total mill levy
  • Enhance transparency in the budgeting process, revenue, and expenses


Early Learning

Individual Growth & Development Indicators of Early Math & Reading Literacy (myIGDI’s) (age 4)
Target 2023: 80% meets/exceeds benchmark

Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) (K)
Target 2023: 80% kindergarten ready


Acadience Reading (formerly known as DIBELS Next, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) K- 6th grade 
Target 2023: 80% meets/exceeds benchmark

Acadience Math (formerly known as DIBELS Math) K-6th grade 
Target 2023: 80% meets/exceeds benchmark

Kansas Assessment Program (KAP) English Language Arts (ELA) & Mathematics (6th Grade)
Target 2023: 7% increase in performance levels 3 & 4

Middle School

English Language Arts Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Target 2023: 80% meets/exceeds benchmark

Math Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Target 2023: 55% students who met projected growth

Kansas Assessment Program (KAP) English Language Arts (ELA) & Mathematics (8th Grade)
Target 2023: 7% increase in performance levels 3 & 4

High School

Kansas Assessment Program (KAP) English Language Arts (ELA) & Mathematics (10th Grade)
Target 2023: 7% increase in performance levels 3 & 4

Pathway Concentrators
Target 2023: 300 students

ACT Scores
Target 2023: 23 composite score

Post Secondary

Effective Rate
Target 2023: 70%

Social Emotional

Average Daily Attendance Rates
Target 2023: 95% or higher in school every day

Extracurricular Participation (2+ activities in SMS & SHS)
Target 2023: 100%

Civic Engagement

Recognized by the KSDE Civic Advocacy Network
Target 2023: All schools recognized

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