Superintendent Entry Plan

Mr. Willson’s entry plan focuses on familiarizing himself as much as possible with the culture of district, schools, and the people who influence students. The overarching purpose is to build on strengths and continue to improve the lifelong success for each and every student. Listening, learning, and acting with purpose will define common goals and align resources in a strategic manner.

Entry Plan Goals

These goals are ambitious and focused on continual improvement which is essential for any organization. However, built into these goals is the understanding of the incredible success Seaman school district and its students currently attain. We cannot let a disciplined focus on improvement detract from celebrating the current successes and victories. It is that joint celebration that binds us around the most important aspect of our community, our children and the schools in which we educate them.

Goal 1: Listen to those invested in our schools to learn as much as possible about the strengths, challenges, and unique characteristics of Seaman School District so we can drive improvement and best serve our students.

Goal 2: Learn about the values, norms and expectations of the supportive Seaman school community in order to partner with them to best serve our students.

Goal 3: Learn about the district’s current strategic plan, the progress toward its goals, and the priorities that are being implemented in our schools by our talented and dedicated staff.

Goal 4: Gain a better understanding and appreciation for the culture of the district and how students, staff, families, and the community perceive the work of the district.

Goal 5: Act on the information gathered, in conjunction with district data, to create a transparent partnership between school and community members that is based on mutual trust and a dedicated commitment to improve outcomes for students.

Goal 6: Collaboratively refine and communicate a strategic plan for action to accomplish the goals of the district which lead to improved outcomes for students.

Phase I: Listening & Learning

Fundamental Questions
1. What should I know about the Seaman School Community?
2. What do you want to maintain as a strength of Seaman Schools?
3. What challenges face our schools and/or community?
4. What are some opportunities for growth that Seaman Schools should investigate?
5. What else would you like me to know?

Leadership Staff
In the first month of the plan, I will have individual meetings with each district department director and building principal to learn about them personally, their successes, future aspirations, challenges and how I may best support them.

Board of Education
Following meetings with staff, I will have individual meetings with each Board of Education member to learn about them personally, their hopes for the district, personal areas of interest and expertise, district challenges and how I may best support them in our work of school governance.

Elected Officials & Community Leaders
In the first three months of the plan, individual meetings will be set with engaged leaders in our community to learn about their plans for the community and areas of partnership with the schools. Strong schools result in strong communities and strong communities support the development of strong schools.

Post-Secondary Partners
In the first three months, meetings with our post-secondary partners will be set to learn about ways to enhance partnership opportunities for schools and students.

Various Stakeholder Groups
In the first three months of the plan, group meeting with various stakeholders will be scheduled to learn about ways to strengthen partnerships and to better serve our students.

District Information & Performance Data
A wide array of school district information and data will be analyzed to better understand the progress on long-term district goals.

Phase II: Planning & Reporting

In months four through six, by the end of the first semester, I will work with the Board of Education and district staff to identify and implement short-term next steps for the district. I will present a summary report to the Board of Education, staff, and the community outlining findings and collaborative next steps. Video summaries will be made and posted on the district website. As these next steps are implemented, they will be reviewed and collaboratively adjusted as needed. The key to any plan is its ability to be reviewed and adjusted based on data and results. There is no such thing as a perfect plan, but teamwork, a united vision, and a commitment by all stakeholders to work together for the success of our students will lead us to improving our outcomes.


I am honored to have been selected as the next superintendent of Seaman School District. There is a high standard to uphold and I will work tirelessly to meet the expectations of our community in support of our students. There will be disagreement on methods, but we must maintain the moral imperative to create lifelong success for all of our students. There are great challenges for schools, but I am confident that we can achieve our mission for every student and that overcoming today’s challenges will result in tomorrow’s celebrations. We will exemplify our mission to “Prepare each student for lifelong success through strong and healthy relationships, rigorous and relevant learning, and a responsive a and caring culture that maximizes student talents, aspirations, and community contributions” and we will achieve, not only, our strategic goals, but will realize “Learning without Limits” in the process. I look forward to working with each dedicated stakeholder of the district and I look forward to personally meeting you.