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We have several substitute teaching positions open, including long-term positions. If you know of any potential candidates, please have them contact the HR department at 785–575-8602 or email
[email protected]. Below is more information on substitute pay.
Long-Term Substitute Teacher
Substitute Teachers are compensated at the long-term daily rate under the following condition: Beginning on the eleventh consecutive day of replacing the same absent teacher, the substitute will begin receiving the long term pay rate. Once a substitute teacher begins a long-term assignment, they will assume all of the responsibilities and duties of the regular teacher.
Substitute teachers, when in a long-term assignment will be allowed "plan time" as is possible, but may be required to cover another teacher's classroom during the absent teacher's plan time.
Long Term Rate: Full Day $240; Half Day $120
Regular Substitute Teachers
Substitute Teachers payroll period will end monthly on the last day of the month, with the possible exception of May. The first payroll period of each school year will begin on the first day of school through August 31. The final payroll period for the school year runs through the last day of school. We suggest that substitutes keep records of the dates worked and any details of the assignment hours along with the confirmation number given by Absence Management. Payday will be the 14th of each month, September through June unless the 14th is on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday.
Substitute teachers are paid by a half day or full day. Four or less hours is considered a half day. Any time over four hours, less than eight hours is considered a full day.
Regular Substitute Rate: Full Day $120; Half Day $65 (rates for regular subbing up through ten days, day 11 with the same assignment becomes long-term substitute status).
How do I become a Substitute Teacher?
1. Apply online at seamanschools.org/employment.
2. Provide a copy of your substitute teaching license (State of Kansas license required) to Human Resources.
3. Human Resources will review all application information and contact you.
4. Complete a criminal background check and Child Abuse and Neglect Registry check.
5. Participate in USD 345 substitute orientation and organizational training.
6. Provide a signed Certificate of Health which includes a TB test.
7. Complete new hire paperwork and get photo ID badge.
For additional information, please contact Jenny Boggs in Human Resources at 785-575-8602 or
[email protected]
How do I obtain a substitute teaching license?
Information about substitute teaching license requirements and how to obtain a license can be found on the KSDE website. Standard processing time for a substitute licenses 4-8 weeks, depending on application and call volume which is highest from May to August. Per KSDE, an individual may temporarily qualify for an emergency substitute license with the following:
1. High school diploma; and
2. Completion of Greenbush's Emergency Substitute Training Modules (training may be completed now); and
3. Verification of hire from a local education agency (LEA)
4. Application and $60 processing fee.
5. Fingerprint background check and fee. (Individuals who previously received a TEAL license are not required to resubmit fingerprints.
6. Individual may serve no more than 15 consecutive days in the same assignment.