USD 345 and the Kansas Department of Health & Environment are partnering to get 16, 17 & 18 year olds vaccinated before the end of the school year. Registration and parental consent is required.
Who is Eligible: Any USD 345 student, staff, or family member age 16 or older
Location: Seaman High School
Date: First dose May 6th. Second dose TBA
Appointment Times Available: 9:00am-11:30am
Vaccine Offered: Pfizer (two doses required)
Needed at First Dose Appointment: Completed consent form for each individual
Click here to make your first dose appointment
Select May 6, 2021 Clinic: Clinic: Seaman High COVID-19 Clinic
2. Access the consent form
COVID-19 Vaccine Parental Consent Form (English)
COVID-19 Vaccine Parental Consent Form (Spanish)
Students must still bring the paper consent forms with their parent/guardian's signature.
3. Turn in parental consent form at appointment.
Additional Information
Pfizer vaccine Fact Sheet (English)
Pfizer vaccine Fact Sheet (Spanish)
V-safe information sheet (English)
V-safe information sheet (Spanish)
Family members and other staff should enter through the north high school gym doors. Clothing that gives access to the upper arm, like a t-shirt, is recommended.