Race, Equity, & Moving Forward

Community Conversation: Race, Equity, & Moving Forward Together
Posted on 11/30/2020
Last summer, Seaman School District began organizing a community event around eliminating racism and social injustice. The event was scheduled to take place on July 23, 2020. After the pandemic hit and the school year was disrupted, the event was postponed. 

The district is excited to announce the new date for the Community Conversation event. At this event, the district hopes to have an interactive virtual discussion with the USD 345 school community on December 7 from 7:00-8:00 pm. This event will be live streamed and available via the district’s YouTube channel. There will also be an opportunity for viewers to submit questions, comments, and stories. 

The one-hour event will be led by Nathan McAlister and Frank Henderson. Mr. Henderson, a Seaman community member for the last 32 years, has been leading USD 345 for 13 years as a school board member. Mr. Henderson has held national offices for the National School Board Association and has been actively involved in many equity initiatives and conversations around the nation. Mr. McAlister is a social studies teacher at Seaman High School, dedicated to helping students understand history through research and engaging educational opportunities. 

This Community Conversation is organized by a committee of parents, students, administrators, and other professionals. The event will cover the district’s history, where we are now, and where we want to be, as we strive for an inclusive and equitable school community. The purpose of this meeting is not to determine whether the Seaman School District should be renamed.

To submit a question, comment, and/or story for the committee to review prior to the event, follow the link below.