August 14, 2023
Following each board of education meeting, the Director of Communications recaps the board meeting in the Board Digest. To view the full agenda, click here.
Superintendent Remarks
Mr. Willson talked about the start of school and welcoming new teachers to the district. "There's a ton of excitement out there. They're working hard right now getting their classrooms ready." Board members toured the schools on Tuesday, visiting staff and seeing all of our completed summer projects.
Brad Willson
President Remarks
The beginning of the year is the best, the anticipation of what’s to come, the nerves, the anxiety, all wrapped into a great time. I see it like the first football game of the season.
You all are the team! But you are also the coaches for the students. The hope for success is huge. You all have put in the work, you’ve attended professional development, you have built relationships with kids and families, you’ve invested time, effort and tons of energy into the lessons. All of this prep and work you have done can only lead to a win for your students. A win for the students means a win for EVERYONE!
Believing in yourself and what you are capable of is also a part of this game. I want you to know that the board believes in you, the community believes in you and the families believe in you. We, the board and administration, will provide you with the tools needed, we will back you through the good and through the struggles, we believe in you!
Have an amazing first day and a winning year. Go Team!
Michelle Caudill
FY 24 Budget
Director of Business and Finance Lisa Morando gave a budget presentation to the board followed by the board approving publication of notices for the RNR and FY24 Budget Hearings.
Negotiated Agreement
The board approved the 2023-24 Negotiated agreement which includes:
- Each cell in the salary schedule will see an increase of $1500.
- There will be an added column, MA+60, which will have an increase of 3% over MA+45 and a guarantee of an additional $1500 toward that column for the 2024-25 school year.
- Those covered by the negotiated agreement will be granted column and step movement.
- Tuition incentive for certified staff will increase to allow up to 6 hours each year and up to $150 per credit hour.
- Viking United positions will be added to the supplemental salary schedule.
- For plan time, the phrase travel time will not count in the calculation of plan time. will be added to the agreement.
- The 12 leave days awarded each school year to certified staff will all be counted as discretionary. Unused days will roll over into sick leave, up to 120 days, with no changes to the sick leave buy-back program.
- The district will contribute an additional $30 per month toward health insurance, raising the district contribution to $490 per month (an annual benefit of $5,880 for those that qualify and participate).
Board of Education Consent Agenda
The consent agenda contains items packaged into one agenda item. They are often routine and garner very little discussion. A full list of consent items can be found by visiting the BoardDocs website.
Discussion Items
Next 345 Board of Education Meeting
The next regularly scheduled board meeting will take place on August 14. It is scheduled to start at 6:00 pm.
Regular board meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, with the exception of February, March, and April, which will be held on the third Monday. Regular meetings may be adjourned to another time and place when necessary. Special meetings may also be scheduled on an as-needed basis.
Regular meetings typically take place at the Seaman Education Center. When meeting locations change, notice is sent out to the public and made available online. Board agendas go live on the Friday afternoon prior to the regular board meeting.
All regular meetings are streamed live and available on the district's YouTube Channel. A recap of the meeting is also made available through the Board Digest.
Both in-person and digital public comment are accepted at regular board meetings. The public comment agenda item may be found in the meeting agenda.
Remaining regular meetings for the 2023-24 school year:
September 11, 2023
October 9, 2023
November 13, 2023
December 11, 2023
January 8, 2024
February 19, 2024
March 18, 2024
April 15, 2024
May 13, 2024
June 10, 2024
July 8, 2024
Board of Education Agenda
To review previous board of education agendas, click here.
How Can I Watch a Previous Board of Education Meeting?
The video from the meeting will be available by the Tuesday at noon following the meeting. The video can be viewed by clicking here.
Seaman School District USD #345
901 NW Lyman Rd | Topeka, KS 66608